10 Tips For Choosing a Pet Hair Vacuum photo 1Having a pet hair vacuum is essential when you have pets in the house. This is because such a vacuum will remove all the embedded feline or canine hair that can be found around the house. For a vacuum cleaner to be effective in it needs to have powerful suction. This will enable the vacuum cleaner to remove any pet hair that has been embedded in the carpets and even in the couches. The vacuum needs to have the power not only to lift the hair from the floor, but also to pull it into the dirt bag. A vacuum that contains about 12 amperes of power is suitable for the average pet hair removal. Learn more about pet hair vacuums by visiting http://www.homefloorcleaner.com/choosing-the-best-vacuum-for-pet-hair/

You will also need to look at the filtration systems of a vacuum before making the purchase. The best vacuum cleaner is one which has an advanced filtration system which can eradicate most of the allergens present in the house due to the pets. Filters are essential as they also help remove the dander from the pets. Dander is less visible than pet hair. Such advanced filtration systems include HEPA filters.

You also need to consider the dirt bag in a vacuum cleaner. Many vacuums now have a 'bag-less' feature making it ideal because it helps reduce the cost of buying bags every so often. If you do decide to go with a vacuum that has a bag, your best option is to go for those with multilayer bags. This will help to eliminate the possibility of dirt being released back into the room or going into the motor and damaging it.

You will also need to determine where the vacuum will be used. If it is a hardwood floor, then you need to purchase a vacuum that does not have a roller brush. If the vacuum is primarily for the carpet, then it needs to have a roller brush. If you have a combination of both hardwood floors and carpets, then buy a vacuum which can allow you to switch the roller brush on when needed.

Have a look at the lifecycle of the vacuum and if there is a guarantee. Find a vacuum cleaner with a long warranty especially if you have many pets at home. Pet owners tend to go through more vacuums than the ones without. You should also need to look for vacuums with accessories such as a small power head or bristle patterns on the brush. These will help clean your home more effectively.

The quality of the hose and the nozzle of the vacuum cleaner will affect suction. Look for a vacuum with high quality nozzle and hose for effective cleaning. You should also check on how many fans a vacuum cleaner has before making the purchase. An excellent pet hair vacuum will have multiple fans working at the same time.

The price is also an important consideration. Vacuums used for removing pet hair are generally more expensive because of all the added features such as the filters. Buying low end vacuum cleaners might end up being expensive because they end up breaking down after a short while.

The last consideration is to compare prices in order to find the right pet hair vacuum suitable for all your cleaning needs and within your budget.